I found this very detailed picture that shows how the surgery happens. Isn't it great?! ...and kind of revolting, all at the same time? I have been googling nephrectomies (the official term of a kidney transplant). I'm just fine googling nephrectomy unless I push the 'images' button at the top of the page. There are some pretty graphic pictures you can find on the internet!! Dang! I found this one picture of a cat before and after picture blog. The cat had kidney disease. After the cat died, the owner took a picture of his diseased kidneys laying next to his little grave. What the heck!?
I have a reason behind my googling. I have to decide what kind of nephrectomy I want. Apparently I get a variety of surgeries from which to choose. The three main choices are the Open Procedure, Laparoscopic or the Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic. I have decided to rule out the hand-assisted option. For some reason, the thought of them cutting a hand-sized hole along my pubic bone for them to stick their hand up into during surgery just doesn't appeal to me. I invision laying on the operating table with the doctors arm INSIDE my body and it gives me the heebie-jeebies. I bet the doctors make jokes about it. I bet they stick their arm up in there and then pretend they're getting sucked in....and they jump around and say "oh no! Its got me!" for a good laugh. While that would make me laugh if I were a nurse in the room, being the patient makes it not so alluring.
I have to really weigh the pro's and con's of the other two choices. This reminds me of last week's episode of The Office, where Jim kept making Pro and Con lists. My mom always did this to make decisions when I was growing up. I think thats where I got if from. So below I have listed the Pro's and Con's of each option.
- long-term international record of safety
- potentially fewer abdominal complications
- shorter operative time
- earlier kidney function in the recipient (very important)
- possibly more severe pain after surgery
- 6-8 weeks of recovery before feeling back to normal
- larger surgical scars
- possibly less post-op pain
- minimal scarring
- return to normal activity sooner
- shorter hospital stay
- magnified view during surgery
- slower kidney function for the recipient (very important)
- longer surgery time
- higher risk of damage to the kidney
- slower return of bowel function
- longer anesthesia time
Knowing all sides of the story will help everyone understand why I have ultimately chosen to have open surgery. The idea that the kidney will function faster in Nathanial during an open surgery is the biggest factor in my decision. Geoff and I have discussed this a lot. I keep making him read articles and lay in bed at night and talk to me about it. I'm sure Geoff is more than anxious for this to be over with! I was told that in an open surgery (which only lasts a couple of hours, by the way!) the kidney is taken out, rinsed immediatly with saline, and then they begin re-attaching the veins in the recipient within 5 or 6 minutes. And the kidney will begin functioning IMMEDIATELY upon being placed in the patient!! Think of this: Nathanial will have kidney function before they are even starting to sew him up if we go with the open nephrectomy. How awesome is that!? With the laparoscopic version, the surgery is far more problematic for the recipient. First off, the surgery is done through little holes with tiny little scissors and tiny little lasers all through a camera. This makes the surgery quite a bit more lenghthy...5 or 6 hours!! Secondly, they have to capture the kidney in a little baggie after cutting the veins and ureatha all of it and then pull the kidney through an incision. This places extra stress on the kidney and the kidney had more 'dead time' before being placed in the recipient. That, in turn, makes the kidney slower to function. It all makes perfect sense! And, with lapro, there is still a chance they will have to change their mind and do a full open surgery.
So, with all that being said, I'm sure everyone will agree with my decision of the open nephrectomy.

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