Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Good News

We talked to the doctors today. One poor fellow had drawn the short stick and had to give us ALL the bad news.

Hilary has Leiden Factor 5, just like me. This means she'll build blood clots easily. This means she cannot donate a kidney to me. It's not all that bad for her. 5% of all caucasions in North America have Leiden Factor 5. Most people never have a problem with it. For Hilary, it means she'll have to be aware and let her doctors know if she has any major surgeries. It also means she'll have to be a little careful that she doesn't lay around too much, keep her legs moving and drink a glass of wine every night(it's a blood thinner). I think she's OK with that.

As for me, I have an enlarged liver. After Thanksgiving, we'll do more tests and see if it's Budd-Chiari Syndrom. If it is, I have to have that taken care of before the kidney. I cannot have a kidney transplant while I have that.

Well, that's about it. Good news is all my bone marrow work came in positive. Later.

Grace and Peace,

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