Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Million Things

Now that we have a date, I have a million things to do. I would like to tan (yes, I know that is shallow. But I would really like to not be a pasty white after the surgery. I feel better when I'm tan. So sue me) My granny is coming to stay at my house to look after the kids for a few days post-surgery, so I need to make a spreadsheet for her: how to get to the hospital from the house, what time the buses pick the kids up for school in the morning, how to get to Target and WalMart from my house, what time the kids get out of school......all those little things. The guest room needs cleaned out -my husband actually took care of that one last night for me :) I have a bunch of paperwork to fill out for my leave of absense from the bank. We have to find someone to take care of mom and Nathanial's dogs while they are in Wichita that week at the hospital. ..................the list seems to never end.

So, its my go-to-work-late-day and what do I do? I shop. I bought the t-shirts I've been eyeballing since the day I started testing to be a donor.

Not only did purchase Nat and I the "I'm the Donor" and the "I'm the Recipient" t-shirts, but I got just a little carried away and bought some buttons for everyone's shirts too. I couldn't control myself! There are so many fun sayings on these things!! You should check out their website. They have a tshirt or a bumpersticker for just about everything in the world. But now, I realize how much time I have wasted online and I am going to shut this dang laptop and go do something really productive! PROMISE!!


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