Sunday, May 2, 2010

Moving Closer to D-Day (or K-Day?)

Things are moving along, abet slowly. I got my urine tests results back from Mayo. (They were checked by Dr. I.P. Freely) They were clear and showed no signs that I would develope another kidney stone. (This last one was 20 years ago and I swore-never again!) But, they want to be sure.
They've scheduled my physicals at Mayo for May 19th. They'll take 2 days (they are VERY thorough). I get checked inside and out-literally. My blood pressure is the lowest it's been in years. If I can keep it down and if all else is well (and I pray it is), then we can schedule the surgery.
NAT's foot is COMPLETELY healed after 11 months of having an open wound. Now, after 3 1/2 years, maybe we can get NAT a kidney too and he can get back to a more normal life! (No dialysis, being able to pee, being able to walk without a walker or wheel chair, etc.)

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