Monday, July 19, 2010

Trudging On

Sorry, we haven't been on in a long time but it's been a long haul and we're still going. When we last left our intrepid heroes, Steve was on a quest to lose 10 pounds, and get his blood work improved.
After a long, and hard fought, battle, Steven defeated the fat monster. It wasn't easy. The fat monster is strong and cunning (& has cookies). But, after 2 months, Steve defeated the monster by starving it to death. In the process, Steve lost 22 pounds and is still going (it least his waist is going). Like a Hydra, the fat monster has many heads and they keep growing back. (In myth, each time you cut off a Hydras head, two grow back.) Ice cream raised it's ugly head, chocolate raised it's ugly head, and many more but all were defeated.
Then came the 'test'. More blood sent to Mayo for evaluation. Saints be praised, it passed all standards. Yet, there is hesitation from the Lords of Mayo. What about your blood sugars? It was good. Your blood pressure? Good again. OK, all will be laid at the feet of Dr. Amer and he will hand down his decision on when to take the last test. Steve awaits with baited breath (or breath like bait but no matter.)
Steve hopes for early August. He is ready. But let's see how the other half of this dynamic dual is doing.
Nathanial (normally known as the 'NAT'), was fighting his own battles. First his hemoglobin dropped to dangerous levels. That battle was fought and is being won. Then a hernia cut off the blood flow to part of his intestine. Emergency surgery, 3" removed. Two days later, somethings wrong. Another emergency surgery to stop bleeding in his incision. Then a few days later, uncontrolled nose bleed. For 7 hours he fought that fight all the while bleeding out and into buckets while awaiting his THIRD emergency surgery in a week. Tired but triumphant, he survived again. Will nothing stop this man?
Now, recooperating at home, he rests for the next battle. One that he and Steve will fight as a team. When that will be? Soon, my friend, soon.
Stay tuned for our next episode.

1 comment:

  1. Can we just skip to the last paragraph of the last book? You know, where it's all over with and Nathanial is strong, healthy and jumping tall buildings in a single bound?! Also, where you are recouperated and back to health before your 5th grandchild arrives?! And the whole Pearson family lives happily everafter!!!
    Sue Pearson Shade
